What are your office hours?

Wednesday and Thursday 9am -12pm

What is your billing policy?

We are part of Stanford PPO health insurance.

How do I get my prescriptions filled?

Prescriptions are only filled during regular office hours. Pharmacies are carrying less stock and some insurances require pre-authorization prior to filling a prescription. Please allow at least 72 hours for your prescription to be ready. If you are requesting a refill of a current prescription, please ask your pharmacy to contact our office for approval.

How can I contact Dr. Lannin outside of office hours?

After hours, phone calls will be answered by our answering service. Should your need be urgent, Dr. Lannin or the on-call physician will be paged. If you are having an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

With which medical facilities is Dr. Lannin affiliated?

Dr. Lannin performs surgeries at Stanford Hospital and Palo Alto Medical Foundation Surgery Center. She uses Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital for obstetrical care and deliveries.

Does Dr. Lannin work with any other providers?

In the event that Dr. Lannin is not available for an after-hours concern, one of the members of Dr. Lannin’s call group will be available. This includes, Dr. Jagdip Powar and Dr. Nancy Mason.